发刊日期:2000年10月10日> > 总第1期 > 第三版 > 新闻内容
She is my wife (她是我的妻子)
新闻作者:检验科 饶华春 荐  发布时间:2000年10月10日  查看次数:  放大 缩小 默认
  One of the guests turned to a man by his side and criticized the singer. “What a terrible voice!” he said, “Do you know who she is?” “Yes,” was the answer, “She is my wife.” “Oh, I beg your pardon.” the man said, “Of course her voice isn’t bad. As to the song’s aspect, I wondered who wrote that awful song?” “I did.” was the answer.
  一个女人正在唱歌。 一位客人转向他身边的一个男人并批评这位女歌手。他说道,“多难听的声音啊!”“你知道她是谁吗?” “是的,”男子回答到,“她是我妻子。”“天啊,实在是不好意思啊,” 客人说道,“其实她的嗓音不错,至于这首歌,我就纳闷了谁写出这么难听的歌 曲啊。” “我写的。”
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